Our Voices

Power Autobiography: Dr. Claudia Canizales aguilar
It all begins with an idea.

Power Autobiography: Yanira Canizales wandera
It all begins with an idea.

Power Autobiography: Mayra Canizales Cruz
It all begins with an idea.
Mayra’s Keynote at Cosecha 2024
Experience Mayra’s powerful testimonio as she shares her journey to, through, and beyond her principalship at Oyster-Adams Bilingual School, presented at La Cosecha 2024. Let her story inspire you to plant your own semillas and cultivate your future cosecha as a champion of Dual Language education.
National Blue Ribbon Winner
Mayra Canizales Cruz was named a 2020 National Blue Ribbon Principal of the Year by the U.S. Department of Education, the school she led was profiled that year after winning their 2nd Blue Ribbon.